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Image by javier trueba

Programa de Asistencia al Estudiante

Image by Kyle Gregory Devaras

Wellness First

Servicios Ideales de PAE

Peace Leaders Care Center ofrece Soluciones de Bienestar, incluidos servicios de PAE y Bienestar, para ayudar a los empleados y las organizaciones a abordar los principales desafíos de la fuerza laboral. Obtenga asesoramiento gratuito y acceso las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana al centro de soluciones que ofrece miles de recursos.

Sus empleados merecen los mejores beneficios de salud mental y EAP.

Psychotherapy Session
Image by Brooke Cagle

Salud Mental

Asesoramiento y apoyo inmediatos y a corto plazo para problemas de salud mental y de conducta:

  • Abuso de alcohol y drogas

  • Pérdida y duelo

  • Problemas familiares

  • Separación o divorcio

  • Problemas en el trabajo

  • Manejo del estrés

  • Ansiedad

  • Depresión

Bienestar Financiero

Realice un chequeo financiero para determinar su puntaje de bienestar financiero. Nuestros recursos financieros:

  • Administración del dinero

  • Asesor financiero

  • Herramienta fiscal

  • Calculadoras financieras

  • Genere crédito

  • Ahorros/Jubilación

  • Seguridad personal

  • Gestión del estrés financiero

  • Videos

Clínica en Línea

Herramienta en línea para verificar síntomas, afecciones corporales y afecciones de grupos específicos:

  • Cáncer

  • Corazón y circulación

  • Salud dental y bucal

  • Salud respiratoria

  • Educación sobre diabetes

  • Salud sexual

  • Oído, nariz y garganta

  • Afecciones de la piel

  • Y más

Image by Scott Graham
Image by Brooke Cagle
Students on Campus

Asistencia Legal

Conexión con un abogado en el estado del usuario para una consulta gratuita de 30 minutos, los empleados tienen acceso a prácticamente todas las áreas del derecho, como:

  • Asuntos familiares/domésticos

  • Planificación patrimonial

  • Asuntos civiles

  • Asuntos penales

  • Bienes raíces

  • Testamentos y formularios legales

  • Asuntos financieros

  • Asuntos del IRS, etc.


Solución de bienestar para abordar tanto la salud mental como la física:


  • Bienestar y gestión de enfermedades

  • Nutrición

  • Estar en forma

  • Viajes saludables

  • Manejo del dolor

  • Recetas

  • Dormir bien

  • Superar el estrés

  • Uso y abuso de sustancias

  • El éxito frente al estrés

  • Prueba de esfuerzo

Programas de Bienestar

Mejore el bienestar y la productividad de sus empleados con estos cinco programas:


  • Dormir bien

  • Dejar de fumar

  • Control de peso

  • Manejo del estrés

  • Programa de caminatas


Entrenador de salud
Haga sus preguntas relacionadas con el bienestar en el centro interactivo.

Key Features

Wellness First

Discover, Connect and Participate Safely


Easily integrate our Well-being Solution into your daily routine. Whether you're exploring a new healthy lifestyle or looking for tools to round out your current one, our SAP service offers many current and varied topics to successfully meet your wellness needs.

Immediate access to counseling

You can talk with one of our licensed mental health counselors to get confidential help and resources. Access assistance anytime, anywhere. Our 24/7 online support ensures that you have the guidance and help you need. 


We prioritize the security of your online interactions. Our Well-being Solution SAP provides airtight security measures to safeguard your personal information and ensure secure connections. All contact is confidential, HIPAA-compliant, and secure.

Together, We can Help People Improve their Health so they can Perform at their Best at Work, at Home and in the Community. We will Achieve Social Change TOGETHER.

A Healthy School Force Creates a Healthy Society.

With over 15 years of mental health experience, we know how to help Schoolforce achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle.


Our Peace Leaders Student Assistance Program (SAP) provides quick and easy access to confidential counseling and a robust portfolio of other vital resources in our Wellness Solution to help Students, Faculty & Staff address everyday issues.

Image by Becca Tapert

A Timely Support Makes a Big Difference.

Starting the school day and leaving personal or family issues “at the door” is not easy.


Mental health issues are on the rise for middle school and high school youth. These issues are further exacerbated by racism, gun violence, homophobia, COVID-19, among other things. We need to do something to address this crisis NOW and support students in advocating for more mental health awareness and peer-to-peer conversations to help change the culture and conversation around mental health. 1


Peace Leaders Care Center helps people address their everyday issues before they become big, chronic issues. When people have the right, comprehensive resources to address emotional, personal challenges, they are more likely to show up to school ready to get started.

​​Benefits Your Employees Want and Need

Life stressors are real.


Each year, 18% of U.S. workers experience some type of mental health problem, and the National Institute of Mental Health reports that depression is the leading cause of absenteeism.2


94% of workers report experiencing stress at work.3


63% of workers are willing to leave their job due to stress.4


Today’s employees want companies to put their health and well-being front and center. They’re making their feelings known through where they look for work and how long they stay at their job.

Image by Emma Dau

1 Active Minds, K-12 initiatives, (accessed April 2024):
2 Gallup, The Economic Cost of Poor Employee Mental Health, (accessed April 2024):
3 and 4 The American Institute of Stress, 42 Worrying Workplace Stress Statistics, (accessed April 2024):

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